When trash enters California waterways via gutters and storm drains, it poses a major threat to aquatic life, wildlife, and public health. For that reason, property owners are responsible for ensuring NO trash is allowed to pass through storm water systems into waterways.

There’s a solution: full-trash capture methods. There are many types of trash capture devices available, but they all have the same goal of keeping debris and pollutants out of waterways.

All trash capture devices require installation as well as routine maintenance to remove accumulated debris. While there might be many options, here are our top three choices and their features so you can make the best decision for your property.

DrainPac Storm Drain Filter Insert from United Storm Water

United Storm Water’s DrainPac is a multi-layer filtration device that captures and treats urban runoff before it enters the storm drain system. The company offers drop inlet, curb inlet, round inlet, trench, and ditch filter inserts. They can also custom design filter inserts to accommodate unique drain sizes.

DrainPac prevents litter, debris, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons from entering the storm drain system. Keep in mind that since this device is intended to capture large pollutants, it requires cleanings about 3-4 times a year.

Continuous Deflective Separator (CDS) from Contech Continuous Deflective Separator

Contech Engineered Solutions offers a Continuous Deflective Separator (CDS) that uses swirl concentration and continuous deflective separation to screen, separate and trap trash, debris, sediment, oil, and grease from storm water runoff.

The device captures and retains floatable and neutrally buoyant debris 4.7 mm or larger. Contech offers the device in inline, offline, grate inlet, and drop inlet configurations. Inspections are required two times per year, with pump outs as needed.

Our Favorite: StormTek ST3G CPS from SWIMS

StormTek is a California State Water Board certified, full-trash capture device designed to effectively keep trash, sediment and debris from entering waterways.

Exclusively available from and patented by SWIMS, StormTek models ST3 and ST3-G can retrofit to any size or shape catch basin. And with over 3,000 installations throughout Northern and Southern California, it’s the leading trash capture method across the state.

StormTek has a simple installation and an industry-leading 5-year warranty. The device requires cleaning only twice annually, and SWIMS’s ongoing maintenance service makes this process a breeze.

Proven to be reliable, durable, and easy to maintain, it’s easy to see why StormTek is such a popular choice among property managers.

Capturing debris from where rainwater first falls is a critical step to reducing pollution and protecting our waterways. These products allow for easy cleaning and maintenance, they’re extremely effective in capturing pollutants, and they can retrofit any size or shape storm drain.

Feeling unsure about your choice? Give us a call at 866-967-9467, we’ll set up a free inspection to help you figure out the needs of your property.


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